I Love Gourd Jewelry!

Hi, I am Bettie Lake! I created gourd art vessels for several years as I mastered techniques of the gourd art form. Then I realized I really enjoyed selling my necklaces and had many ideas I hadn’t seen done by others, so I have focused my energies on shard jewelry for several years and have been selling at gourd festivals. Now that they are available online, I would like to share my process and information about becoming a master gourd artist. Hopefully I can encourage you to find a gourd festival in your area for you to attend and enjoy!

My Gourd Jewelry Designs reflect the things around me that I love!

My Gourd shard necklace sets reflect my interest in drawing, patterns, southwest culture, and my love of butterflies. songbirds and the sea. Wearing my pieces celebrate their beauty in my world and make me feel happy! If you love any of these things, we may be kindred spirits and the feelings of happiness my pieces bring to me will transfer to the next wearer! Will that be you?

gourd necklaces title
necklace title
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necklace title

How I Create my Gourd Shard Necklaces

My hand-made necklaces show my skill and love of the materials I am using. The wearer knows that time and thought were given to each piece.

water and gourd and sruber
First, I clean the mold and wax off the exterior of the gourd after letting it soak in water. A mask is worn to protect my lungs
broken gourd with shard
Each necklace starts with a broken gourd piece called a shard. Sometimes I cut them with a saw or just hit them with a hammer!
sanded shards
All interior fiber is scrapped away under mask protection to keep this toxic out of my lungs.
sanded shards
All interior fiber is scrapped away under mask protection to keep this toxic out of my lungs.
micro carver tool
The geometric and animal shapes are shape carved with a micro carver, Then the sides and backs are sanded.
shard outlined with design
I then draw and wood-burn the outline of my pattern or design.
shaded shards completed
I then draw and wood-burn the outline of my pattern or design.
colored shard necklaces
The shard is considered wood and any media can be used. My favorites are gourd dye metallic acrylic and markers, colored pencils, and alcohol dyes. Each requires a process that offers me a different result.
three piece necklace

Because the gourd shard has no weight, it is like holding cardboard, I can use a large piece or I can even attach shards to create a larger necklace. Futhermore, I use lots of wood beads to keep the weight of my  necklaces low.

If you are not comfortable wearing something big, then select one of my many smaller pieces. There is something in my collection you will love wearing!

unique beads on chain

I love going to antique stores, thrift stores, and even trading posts here in the southwest to look for beaded chains to re-purpose for my art pieces.


 I love hunting down just the right kind of bead that will go with my type of design. As you will see, I have a passion for copper! I love the fact that I am recycling not only the broken gourd piece but even the chain!

Becoming a Gourd Master and Teacher

I spent most of my art career teaching drawing and design to children and young adults, so picking up a wood burner and learning to use it as a pencil was natural for me.


 I soon tried adding my interest in tanging patterns to my designs and found other gourd artists wanting to learn. So of course, I the teacher, created special patterns that can be wood burned on gourds by beginners and began teaching at gourd festivals. Next came my three books of patterns and many ribbons for my gourd art.

As a master gourd artist, I now offer more help for new gourd artists on the website, Gourd Art Talk where I teach through my blog posts.

Obtaining a Gourd Master Status


To become a master gourd artist, you have to have showed in galleries and won division blue ribbons in the American Gourd Society sanctioned Gourd Competitions.  

red ribbon necklace
gourd necklaces blue ribbon winner
I hope you bought a necklace you loved or perhaps found the perfect gift for that special friend. You can write a review in the comment box to help others know the product is a great statement. I also would like to ask the Pinterest users to visit my Necklace board and re-pin their favorite necklaces on their boards. This will help me limit my advertising cost to keep my prices reasonable.