Let’s look at clear finishes for gourd art. I am going to review your options and suggest what product to use for different gourd situations. You are wasting your time if you pick the wrong one!
The gourd is a round surface. Yet we load it with layers of acrylic paints, inks, and dyes. When exposed to the elements, all those products can bleed and fade from the surface. We also want some gourds to shine, while others we want to look natural. We also must consider putting an oil-based product on or below a water-based or alcohol product and the effect that will have on the longevity of the gourd art. For these reasons, we look to sprays and pastes for quick easy answers. But how do you choose the right finishes for your gourd art?

The choices out there are overwhelming and the labels all get confusing This is my attempt to explain some terms and suggest some products I have used successfully. Many brands are making the same sprays, so this is by no means the entire list. I also included the lowest price found.

I need to caution you that all these sprays have chemical dangers. So, you must read the can to make sure you have a product that will work for your needs. YOU MUST READ THE DIRECTIONS! When you use any of these sprays stand far enough away so that only a mist hits the gourds.
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Clear finishes for gourd art include Varnishes and waxes Made just for Gourd Art
Many varnishes and waxes will protect your gourds. The major concern in choosing one is its finished shine and is it for indoors or outdoors? I will first talk about the products made especially for gourds. There are two major brands to consider, GourdMasterTM and Maria’s Art Creations products.
The quality is the same when comparing them because it was Maria who several years ago helped develop many products for Welburn Farms. (https://welburngourdfarm.) When she started her own business, Maria’s Art Creations (https://www.mariasartcreations.com/) she sold them under her name. Which should you buy? I usually buy what is on sale. In general, I have found that Maria’s products are cheaper at full price. To help you recognize these similar products I will go over each quickly and add a picture.

GourdMasterTM Protecting Wax
Long-lasting protection for your gourd art!Just apply a small amount with a piece of soft cloth or felt over your heat-set Ink Dyes or other color products, allow to air dry a few minutes, then buff with a clean piece of felt or soft cloth. 4oz. $12

Maria’s Art Creations Wax Medium
Translucent Wax that is compatible with accent powders, Memories Inks, Metal Powders, paints, and other mediums. Provides a beautiful protective finish on many surfaces including gourds.
Use in a ventilated area. 4 oz.$6

This is a special wax from Maria that leaves a white color behind. Wax Medium White is used to fill in wood burning on your gourd. Once applied and dry, it leaves a white line at the deepest depth of the burn. Watch her video on her site (mariaartcreations.com).to learn how. $4 2 oz.

Best Art World Wax
Renaissance Wax is a brand of microcrystalline wax polish used in antique restoration and museum conservation around the world.
Commonly used to polish and conserve metal objects, it is also used on gemstones and organic materials like wood, ivory, and tortoiseshell. Renaissance Wax can be applied to wood, marble, leather, metals, photographs, paper. Greasy dirt on waxed surfaces is easily removed by gentle use of a soft rag dampened with warm water with a little liquid soap.
The #1 choice of museums, galleries, and professionals worldwide.
Gourd use-like to use it on tiny gourds, metal, and wooden beads and leather scraps.

Gourd Varnish
Varnish/Finishes Maria’s Art Creations Clear Varnish
This is one of the only finishes for gourd art that is a varnish just for gourd. It dries within a minute and then you need to wave the heat tool over it for about 15 seconds. Your gourd and color are protected so you can press the wax in the burn lines with a sponge applicator. Wipe off excess wax with a tissue and continue to finish all the lines,
When all is complete, use a few drops of Mona Lisa Paint thinner on a dry cloth and lightly wipe off any wax that is on the surface. No need to use any, just wipe it softly. Your project is complete and is sealed. This will stay in the lines with no problem for many years. $6.

Varnishes/Finishes Maria’s Art Creations Polyurethane Indoor/Outdoor Varnish Gloss
This is the one for outdoor use. Comes in Gloss, Matte, and Stain
Durable, Non-Yellowing, Non-Toxic Varnish that forms a weatherproof seal on multiple surfaces including gourds. Protects against chemicals, alcohol, and resists water stains. Dries Very Quickly. Shake well. Soap and water clean-up. Cures in 24 hours. You may add multiple coats within 1/2 hour of each other. Conforms to ASTM D4236 4 oz.$6

Gourd Master – Gourd Varnish
GourdMasterTM sells a varnish in both Statin and gloss finish. It is a non-yellowing, extremely durable varnish that will not chip or peel. Can be mixed with gourd Ink Dyes and used as a versatile, new coloring agent! Indoor use only. Best applied using a sponge little goes a long way! (Sponge on, do not drag.) $10

A nice Extra
Most of these products can be applied with a cheaper cosmetic sponge. And then they can be buffed. I like Harbor Freight WARRIOR 5 In. To 6 In. Fleece Polishing Bonnet for $3.
Clear finishes for gourd art also includes sprays for the working phase
Workable Fixatif
This spray is a clear liquid made with resin. Fine artists use it to keep pastel, drawing pencils, and colored pencils from smearing, it allows you to keep layering and blending colors without bothering the color underneath. If ypou are concern about something bleeding then use this. Walmart, $5

Varnish · Krylon Kamar Varnish
Krylon Kamar Varnish is a non-yellowing protective spray for your oil, acrylic, and watercolor product used on your gourds. This clear varnish spray is pure, so you get complete transparency. This one is a must-have if you use sharpies or alcohol products.
Gourd use –This is the workhorse for me. I use it on everything, but always a light mist.
Sharpie markers are alcohol ink-based, and most varnishes are alcohol-based as well, so the varnish reactivates the ink. Kamar Varnish is made of acid-free, archival-quality acrylic resin and is removable with mineral spirits and isopropyl alcohol. I was told this is the only varnish that will not activate alcohol-based inks. You can seal your sharpie art with Krylon’s Kamar varnish first, Then spray on your UV varnish.
Here is my process when working with colored pencils and sharpies.
I end each work session by spraying the area with the Fixitif., then when an area is completed, I will spray it with Karmar for extra protection.
How to stop Sharpies and alcohol dye from bleeding

Here is my process when working with colored pencils and sharpies.
I end each work session by spraying the area with the Fixitif, then when an area is completed, I will spray it with Karmar for extra protection.
Now the product on the gourd is completely covered with a light resin layer and any finishing coats will not affect it. When working with alcohol dyes I use the Karmar when the area I am working on is perfect, then I move on to the next section of the gourd. I then use the UV spray as a final coat. I will double or triple the UV spray depending on the thickness of the dye. to create a final coat.
These two products are my favorite and are on the top of my list of finishes for gourd art.

UV Protection Spray is a Bonus for My Gourds
As a southwest artist, I swear by this process. If you know the gourd will be sitting near a window then use one of these products. These are the only two I know really work.
Give your gourds and artwork a permanent, protective clear finish that protects surfaces from damaging UV light rays.
Has a matte finish that dries to touch in 10 minutes and fully dry in 5 hours. Non-yellowing. Exactly right for anything made of paper maché, ceramic, plaster, glass, metal, wood, plastic, or dried silk flowers. Dick Blick. $9

Clear Rust-Oleum American Accents 2X Ultra
It dries to the touch in just 20 minutes, allowing for a quick project turnaround. This UV-resistant spray comes with a specially designed comfort spray tip, which can help reduce finger fatigue and allow for easy spraying at any angle, even upside-down.

Spraying Tips for Avoiding Probems
Make steady, even passes that overlap each other by 50%. Hold the can 6-8 inches from the surface. Being too close can create drips or bubbling. A closed temperature-controlled environment is best. Avoid moisture! Too much humidity can cause the clear to be foggy.
The optimal temperature is 72 ºF. Applying the product in high temperatures can accelerate the drying process and cause a sandpaper-like finish Use a spray can trigger. They work to help you control the spray. And they’re reusable. Amazon $5
Gourd use-This is a lifesaver for my fingers.
Polyurethanes are not a Good Idea for A Final Finish
Essentially a plastic in the form of a liquid until it dries, polyurethane is available in both water- and oil-based options and comes in a variety of finishes from satin to glossy. But the oil- base choice requires an open window and good ventilation because this category of finish is higher in Volatile Organic Compounds.
Water-based polyurethane is popular because of its low odor and low toxicity. It goes on clear without adding a slight color that oil-based versions can, and it dries much faster. But these sprays will not hold up well to heat and chemicals. Because I live in extreme heat, I do not choose these.

My Favorite Final Spray for Inside Gourds
Minwax Polycrylic
This one is my choice for best inside clear spray on my list of finishes for gourd art . It dries crystal clear. You can re-coat it after 2 hours and you clean up with soap and water clean. Many crafters like this one.
Gourd use -All my festival and selling gourds 2-3 coats

Outdoor Varnish Finishes
This will be the final coat and I find the sprays to be easier to use than the brush on liquids. The best way to consistently cover the gourd in one spay is to hang the gourd where you can walk around it. Outside, please! If the gourd has a stem, you might want to leave it on until after this process. It will make it easier to hang!
After the first coat dries, you will need to sand it with fine-grit sandpaper (220 grit). This will

The Best Indoor Protection for Gourds
Minwax Helmsman Spar Urethane
Spar varnish and spar urethane are two quite different compounds. The main difference between the two is spar varnish will eventually chip or chalk off over time, while spar urethane will maintain a hard, shiny surface. You will want to find a spar Urethane for your gourds that will be outside. If I am selling an expensive gourd and want to make sure it will stand up to the elements, I use Minwax Helmsman Spar Urethane.
It is the best of the finishes for gourd art that will sit outside! (Gloss) The adjustable spray nozzle on this brand is especially useful.
Gourd Use- For my best work or a piece that might sit near a window or on the patio.

Favorite Outdoor final Coat Finish
Another one of my favorite finishes for gourd art is this waterborne 100% acrylic finish that dries to the touch in just 30 minutes. It has an exceptionally low odor, goes on clear, and will not yellow over time. This is the best spray lacquer you can buy. Self-leveling.
Just apply in mist coats and not too heavy and allow to cure for a few hours between coats. It needs to be sprayed very lightly. There is no need to sand between coats as the next coat will melt the previous one. Finally, you should wait at least 5 to 7 days to do your final wet sand and polish.
Gourd Use-For my best indoor work. Three coats build depth and shine.

At the expensive end, is a product used by wooden boat builders. Another negative is that it does not come as a spray.
Marine spar varnish is the best final coat type for outdoor use. Oil-Modified urethane provides a flexible coating that applies easily and will dry to the touch in 2 hours. This varnish will give your gourd maximin UV protection. It dries to the touch in 2 hours and has Excellent durability and corrosion-resistant in extreme weather conditions.
Gourd Use-For my best birdhouses, chimes, and outdoor garden animals.

A Thick Solution for Embellished Gourds
Kry500 Krylon Triple Thick Glaze Artist Spray
When considering finishes for gourds you have to consider the embellishment. What sprays will help them stay looking dramatic? finishes for gourd art
This product is a hydrocarbon resin lacquer glaze. It dries to the touch in 15 minutes, cures in 24 hours. It is a non-yellowing topcoat. For indoor use only and is not heat resistant. The Triple Thick title is made by several brands, so keep your eye out at the craft store.
This glaze creates a clear protective coating that gives a glass-like finish and is design for art work hense the word ” artist in the title. The thicker spray gives your gourd the illusion of depth. A permanent, protective finish on craft projects with paper, dried silk flowers, paper maché, ceramic, plaster, glass, metal, wood, plastic, and more. One coat equals three coats of the clearest coatings. Lowe’s $5
Gourd Use- Final coat when I have added beads. gourds seeds or other attachments.Sometimes I spray the item before I add it to the gourd.
Nothing on my list of finishes for gourd art is there an oil-base product. Why?
Generally, I have learned that an oil base spray will take longer to dry, but will take fewer coats and the shine will last the longest. Personally, I don’t have the patience and I am always afraid dust or leaves or bugs will drop on it before it dries!
I stay with the water base sprays because they are easier to clean up. You might think differently.
If you are selling the piece, it may out live you! Make sure it stays great-looking by taking the time to do the topcoat correctly. Spend the money for the best product and take your time getting the finish right. If it is a practice piece, then I rely on my Karmar varnish. One or two coats.

A Few Last Words about clear finishes for gourd art
When I need embellishment or an object to stick to the gourd over time, I like to use a triple glaze.
With the wax finish products, I use on my wood burned gourds, it leaves a nice subtle shine. Many times, I will then buff them, for a high shine.
Most all sprays come in Gloss, Satin, and Matte finish. The most impactful top finish is a spar varnish or something with resin. Craft stores are carrying a smaller amount of these plastic coverings just for artists. I have not tried them yet.
Another area to explore is the epoxy route which is my next research project for a blog post, so look for it later.
I hope you now feel more informed about this subject and will read the can with a better understanding of what you need from each type of spray.
One last tip
Save those Covid masks you have leftover and keep them in your workspace. Anytime you use these sprays, put one on. This added protection can only be a “good thing.”
Now it is your turn to let me know what clear sprays are on your list of finishes for gourd art. Do you have others you like better?
Please, share your thoughts here in the comment box or share them with all the gourd artists on our Facebook Group Page.
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WOW! Thank you so much for putting together this concise list of information. I am printing it out for my files. Much needed and appreciated!
You can download a pdf from the store.
Thank you for sharing this information
As I’m always wondering what finish would be best on my finish
I love all the information you share.
Thank you 😊
Thank you for your positive comments. Remember this post can be downloaded from the store. Join mt Facebook Group Goard Art Talk to share ideas and gourd pictures.
Very helpful, I actually think I have each of these but now know which to use when and how!😊
Thank you for your positive comments. Remember this post can be downloaded from the store. Join mt Facebook Group Goard Art Talk to share ideas and gourd pictures.
thank you, useful information
Thank you for your positive comments. Remember this post can be downloaded from the store. Join mt Facebook Group Goard Art Talk to share ideas and gourd pictures.
WOW!! I was just asking my husband yesterday about finishes! THANK YOU!
Thanks for finally writing about > Review of Clear Finishes
for Gourd Art – Gourd Art Talk < Liked it!
Hi there, I enjoy reading through your article. I like to write a little comment to support you.
Very nice article. I certainly appreciate this website.
Keep it up!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on. Regards
This article on the Review of Finishes is well researched and one of the best you have written and offered on the blog. I appreciate all the work which went into it. Trying to seal and protect the final product after so much time and labor has gone into making the piece is an important part of the process!
May I request a topic to be explored that goes along with this article? How about what finish should be applied to gold leaf so as not to diminish it’s sheen, but will still protect it? Thank you and keep up the good work!
Use Krylon Karmar Varnish
Pingback: Marblizing gourd dye Projects
Thank you so much for sharing your information about finishes for gourds !! Its great to get the right information and you are the best !! I do appreciate your hard work !!
Thanks for these helpful tips. I often use seeds on the gourd surface , but am having trouble with critters quickly destroying the surface, probably chipmunks and mice. Does the triple spray dryer them? Any other suggestions? I have use a multitude of coatings including shellac, krylon plastic spray and polyurethanes.
What about resins?
I would suggest art resin. to get a good coat I think it needs to be poured on. So the gourd may need to be hung. Check out this site for more information
Hi Bettie!
I need a shiny finish for my gourd that it is heat resistant. I use it for tea (chimarrão/mate) and so it has to hold up to the hot water I fill it with. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
That is a good question. Some people use the spray they advertise on TV to cover leaking areas in the home, I think the band is called Flex Seal.
I have a gourd bird cage purchased last December. It was painted by an artist in Peru, and I hung it in my yard since then. I recently noticed the paint is chipping, and was read6 to purchase some type of sealant, to stop the pealing and possible sun damage. Do you have any suggestions?
First use the UV filter spray and then several coats of the outside sprays. Respray every year.