Find out how to access over 80 tutorial posts with video and instruction on gourd art. Support the website and have plenty of time to learn what I have written for you.

I write posts every month to share and discuss with my Gourd Art Facebook Group. I review products and tools and offer suggestions on mastering the many techniques we use to create beautiful gourd art. I provide ideas on selling your work and displaying your gourds. I introduce you to some of the best gourd artists in the country to help you see what mastery looks like. If you are looking for inspiration for new projects, you will find them in the tutorial archive. 

This year’s posts are available free for one year. Then they will be moved to the archive. You can gain access to the entire archive for one year with a subscription of $20.


The website is growing and so are the costs. Your $20 will help me keep our site secure and growing as our readership expands from our current 4,000 hits a day from all over the world.


Note to new members:

Once you sign up, here is the process for using it when you come to the web page. 

To access the Archive page, you will click the “Log in ” link on the navigation bar to identify yourself to the site.

There are two ways to return to the navigation bar.

  1. On the “Log in” page, click the Gourd Art Talk title at the top.
  2. Or click the “back” arrow on the top left corner of the site page.                         

Now when you click on the “Blog Archive” on the Navigation bar you will have access to all of my past post tutorials!