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How to find and modify “Google” images into original artwork and 3 different ways to transfer designs to your gourd for wood burning

In this post, I will share my process on how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork. I will show you how to take others’ work and add to it using your printer and Microsoft Word to make it your original design. Then I will tell you how to get it on your gourd

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,person drawing

I have spent 30 years teaching drawing and using technology to create graphics for design. So, I know these steps have worked for many people.  But of course, there are many ways to get to this goal. Hopefully, with these simple directions, I can encourage you to rely more on your creativity and the technology you have to get the results you want.

Many come to gourd art unable to draw. That’s a problem because the image is what makes your pretty gourd become an art piece and more importantly, it is your statement about yourself.  

My best answer for the people who say they “can’t draw a straight line”, but want to be a good gourd artist is to take some beginning drawing classes. Watch the videos on YouTube.  Get beyond that fear and then buy a sketchbook and draw every day!

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,video title

What I don’t want you to Do

Many beginners just “Google” their subject and find an image, print it out, and with carbon paper, trace it on the gourd. Then they proceed to wood burn it and paint it.  Two major problems with that process. Number one, the carbon will not easily come off the gourd surface after you wood burn it. Number two, you may be using a copyrighted image. That means the gourd art you create cannot be sold or put into gourd competition. Which now has limited your options for your finished gourd art!

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,carbon paper
modify images template

You could be sure to use only copyright-free images, but you still are not expressing your creativity. You are just decorating with something you found and liked.

Artists create art to express their ideas and interests and put their feelings into what they do. Let me put you on another path and help you create original art.

The first step in how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Use the Internet to look for images that will help you create your design idea

The first step in how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Begin your graphic research by going to Google on the Internet. Also, open a Word Document.  Images you find will be copied and pasted into this Word page

In the Google search box, type in your subject. Let’s say you want to wood burn a dragonfly on your gourd.  To bring up only images, click on the Images selection. Here you will see they have dragonflies posted in different categories.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,dragonfly page
how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Look at drawings, black and white, paintings, simple, and any others that fit your need. As you find ones you like, copy and paste them into a Word document.

You do that by right-clicking on the image you want and choosing “Copy Image”.

The second step in how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Paste your images into Word

Next, open your Word Page. Set your arrow in the center of the page and right-click the mouse to open the menu and select, Paste.

Choose the picture icon and your image will appear in your Word document!

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork pull down meneu

Once it is pasted remember to click on the square button  for“Text Wrap” and set the “Tight” option. This will allow you to put the images in a line and move them around where you want them.  Your goal here is to find outline drawings of dragonfly shapes drawn in proportion pointing in various directions and then have them available later to use or refer to.  All of your images will be  here on one page.

Save as you go, so you don’t loose this page. 


how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork, colored dragonfly

Look for images with interior lines and patterns you could wood burn. As you browse, notice how other artists have added background elements like rocks or leaves. Copy and paste the ones you think you could try drawing later. Next, go to the dragonfly” painting section” and copy and paste the images with the colors and painting techniques you like. You might also find a sheet on how to draw a dragonfly!

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,final collection of imges
research doc finished

When you have completed your research with the following types of images: Simple line drawings of your subject, shadowing examples, background ideas, and coloring schemes. You now have information to look at as you begin creating your design. So now be sure you save this page.

Note: To take them off the page, right click and select copy, then you can move them into another Word Page if you want. This reference page is just for storage. 

The third step in how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Size your main image

Choose the outline image of the butterfly you want to use.  We need to resize it so it will go on your gourd. I measure the area on the gourd where I want my design to go and write that down somewhere. Once you know how big the major dragonfly will needs to be, copy and paste that image into another new Word document.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,using ruler

Let’s bring up the ruler

Next turn on the ruler under “View”. Watch the ruler as you pull the lower right-hand corner to make your dragonfly bigger. Pull out to enlarge and push in to reduce.   Once you have it, print out several copies. This will be the base of your design. You now can turn it into your version, by adding with a pencil, different interior lines and shapes knowing the proportion of the animal is correct and symmetrical.

Try several versions until you like one. When finished it should look different from all of them, but you haven’t copied any of the examples exactly.

The next step in how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Designing the interior of the dragonfly

Now you should have three print outs of the empty dragonfly design. Take another look at your referance  sheet and begin to draw lines and shapes on the interior of your dragonfly. Try two or three  designs on your printouts. Choose one and darken pencil lines with marker.  

Scan this one and save as jpg. This allows this design to be  pasted into Word.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork, dragonfly with line patterns

Next Draw the Background Elements of your Design

Next, work on the background elements.

Will the dragonfly go within a circle or oval? Will it have leaves or rocks around it? Having elements overlap in a design helps add reality and depth to a drawing which is to your advantage.

Scan your last version of the dragonfly with the interior lines and print two or three copies. Next, take a pencil and experiment with different backgrounds on each printout. Try several versions and set these aside, then later decide which is the best.

Now go over it with marker,  scan and save it as jpg. 

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,design with background

At this point, you can take the time to try different color schemes using  colored pencils. Especially if you plan to paint or dye your final image on the gourd.

painted design
how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Take this extrastep in how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

Create a design with multiple sizes of dragonflies

If you want to create a design with 3 different sizes of the same or different dragonflies just copy them into a Word document. Tighten all the images. Now you can make one bigger, another smaller, or just turn one or two at different angles.

Click on the curving arrow and explore how to turn each image! After printing this out you can add leaves or flowers to the background to complete your design.

Your Final original design

 You need to end up with a black outline of your design that is ready to woodburn. You might need to copy the final design into Word and use the ruler view again to change the final design size one last time and save it as the final version in jpg. My final advise is to keep yur design lines within your woodburning abilities.  Don’t complicate your process beyond enjoyable!

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,final design

Review of Steps just explained

  • Collect the following images from the Internet and paste them into a Word document
  1. Black and white outlined images, various views
  2. Black and white subject with interior lines and shapes
  3. Drawings of background elements
  4. Shading and coloring examples
  • Move chosen subject to Word and enlarge to correct size and print out 3 copies.
  • With a pencil, fill in the interior with lines and shapes and then go over with ink and print 3 copies.
  • Next, add background elements, darken all lines, and print copies.
  • Work with the color scheme if desired.
  • Place the final black and white design into Word and confirm that the size is workable. Print out.
how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork

 How to modify “Google” images into an original artwork with out “Word”

Similar process without Word

The major reason we go through this process in Word is to allow us to  keep adjusting an image that stays in proportion, no matter how large we make it  or how we turn it. But you don’t have to go with technology if you want. 

 Many  of my young grade school students wanted to paint and draw horses. I had a collection of coloring books with simple outlines. They were instructed to trace the one they liked, change the mane or the tail, and add their background, real or abstract.  Then this image was transferred to canvas or watercolor paper. If they wanted to add shading, they looked at real photographs of horses.

When they were finished it was their original artwork. They never used the Word document process. 

The only copied part was the simple outline of the horse’s shape.

purchased pattern

Other Sources for Images

Here are other websites and sources for images to wood-burn.

  • Great source for free animal outlines
  • Many photos and images with good shadowing ideas.
  • You can also” google” wood burning patterns PFD, 
  • search Pinterest for wood burning patterns. 
  • You can find books on Amazon with woodburning patterns and projects. I recommend you look at Lora S. Irish books.
  • I also have three pattern books in the Store you can order with tangle patterns.

Easy Tranfer Processes

No matter what your subject, start with a simple outline, then add the interior lines. When you are finished, then add a background, that’s how you get to an original piece of artwork using others’ versions of your subject! 

The next challenge is how do you get your design on the curved gourd?

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork, carchoal on back of paper

Getting the Design on your Gourd

As I said earlier, using carbon paper leaves ink that is hard to remove. The same process can be done with a graphite stick.  Or they also make graphite transfer paper.


graphite paper roll

Next I want to share a video . But first a couple of tips for you. Make sure you tape the image to the gourd securely. You don’t want it to sift out of alignment. Before lifting it off the gourd, lift the tip of the paper off the gourd to see if you got all the lines. My last tip is to use a ballpoint pen in red instead of a pencil. The line is more precise and the red allows me to see where I have traced and where I haven’t.

Graphite Transfer: Two Easy Methods by Alvalyn Lundgren

You can transfer a drawing with the graphite transfer process in one of two ways: by using graphite paper or coating the back of your drawing with graphite.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,buy pattern on stick paper

Stick N Burn Papers

Most gourd artists use Stick n Burn paper. This paper often comes with designs in different sizes already printed on the clear transfer sheet. Because it has an adhesive backing, all you do is cut it out, stick it to your project and start woodburning. To keep with our originality goal, I recommend the same paper without designs. I use  Stick N Burn for Ink-Jet Paper from Wood Carvers.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork, peel backing of stick paper
how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork,drawing on stick paper
Vickie Henderson

Here is my process.

After you print your design on the burning paper, carefully cut around the design and easily position it on the gourd and if necessary, lift it to re-position. Then smooth it out bubbles and wrinkles. starting from the center. Clip the corner curves and make slits where necessary so it fits the curve of the gourd. Don’t worry about a few wrinkles.  Now begin woodburning. When finished, peel away the sticky paper and wipe the area with baby wipes.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork, drawing taped to gourd
Vickie Henderson

Stick n Burn Paper is very forgiving

One of the greatest things about the adhesive back sheets is that you can adjust your design to fit your gourd. For example, if you are placing a flower design onto a gourd and you feel the stem is too long, just snip part of it out on the adhesive sheet and piece it together on the gourd with a shorter stem.

how to modify “Google” images into an original artwork
Janet's BeautifulGourdArt

With today’s technology, coming up with original artwork is not so difficult. Most of us have inkjet printers with scanners and the Word Document program has some great graphic possibilities. Word allows  you to gather and organize images and then lets you change the size of your graphic. The adhesive backing on the special paper allows you to cut and manipulate it on the surface of the gourd.

The cleaning of the paper and glue can be a nuisance, but many believe the result is worth it.

detail of burning on paper
finished gourd
Christy Barajas


Just take some time to explore image sources and check out coloring books for animals and subjects you may want to wood burn and use your imagination to elaborate on the simple designs.

Then when you show off your gourd, you can say it is your original design and smile. You don’t need to share our process!

Dona Reed
Gary Kvalheim

How do you create original designs and then transfer them to gourds?

Please, share your thoughts here in the comment box or share them with all the gourd artists on our Facebook Group Page. 

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Bettie Lake

I am a former art educator and gourd art master helping new artists understand how to succeed with gourd art. I use my blog posts and our Facebook Group Page to communicate with my followers. Hopefully you learn some new things from this post and will return to read others.

This Post Has 2 Comments


    bonjour. merci pour ces explications; savez vous où je peux commander du papier Stick n Burn depuis la France? Merci

    1. Bettie Lake

      Tranlation is difficult here. But stick-n-burn paper can be ordered onlind at

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